Shreddin' Keystone MTN

Snowboarding on a real mountain, in the sun, in the slush! My tummy was def tied in knots before the first run of the day. We arrived very early and it was intimidating looking up at the lift ride we had to take. I'm used to the ones in WI where you can see the top and you know how high up you're going. That was not the case here. Here you could go up the main lift and then go up more lifts! There are so many different runs and depending on which way you go they can be super long. In WI you can do a few runs before getting tired, but in CO I was tired after the 1st, ha! Big thanks to Rach and Mele for creating such a fun first time experience! Something else I wasn't used to was the elevation gain after getting to the top of the mountain. There were many times I was having trouble catching my breath and it wasn't because Mele choked me with the goggles, or because we were all laughing so hard, it was the lack of oxygen since we were at an elevation of over 9,000'. Something else on my list of firsts was a gondola ride. That was pretty cool to me! The Gondola is an enclosed cart to get up to the top of the mountain without fear of losing a mitten, or cell phone, yourself, etc. I would say I'm still pretty timid when snowboarding, I just don't want to fall. I hope to be able to gain speed and lose some of that fear by the next time I'm on a mountain in Colorado!